This has been a crazy week. We had our HUGE MOVING SALE!!! We began on Thursday with an unbelievable amount of stuff. It was in the garage and the back garage and the driveway. By today at 3:00 I was so over the whole thing I finally told my Mom and Jim as far as I am concerned everything is FREE!!
We really didn't have much left other than some quarter and dime stuff. I was tired of people and stuff and sitting in the garage and knowing I needed it all to go away and to get everything cleaned up. After about an hour of that the only thing I really had left was some of the VHS tapes and curriculum books and children's books.
A sweet lady came in and started picking up the books and VHS tapes. She told us she is in training in the USA to return to her home in Nigeria and take over the running f a new Missionary School. She took all of the books and curriculum. Anything really that had to do with kids. It was wonderful and a great way to finish out the sale. It really made me feel like God was in this whole thing and is guiding the process. Sometimes because it is taking a while it is hard to remember that it is His time not mine. Today was a reminder.
SO - Tomorrow is surgery, then a couple of weeks of healing. After that we list the furniture in the house that is to be sole, clean it up and prepare it for showing and then we wait for the job. Mostly what is left in the house is stuff we live with. It really wont take long to pack all of that up.
I am getting anxious. Winter is coming and I don't want to be locked in the house. Winter is coming and I don't want to deal with the cold. Winter is coming and I don't want to get pneumonia AGAIN! Winter is coming but I KNOW that God is going to bring Spring again. I am just praying it is Springtime in Florida! Please keep us in prayer through the surgery, healing and the job search. We will all appreciate it!
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