La Vie en Pinard

Welcome to our blog. Mostly you will see posts from Vikki but occasionally Jim will post and so will Stephen.

Enjoy catching up with us.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

End of the Day

I want to know how you can be busy all day, come home feeling fine, go to bed healthy and wake up with a miserable sore throat and cough. It does not make sense to me how you get sick while you sleep. WHATEVER!

So it has been a quiet day, needless to say. I have spent most of the day covered up with a blanket, watching tv and playing on the computer. Thanks to Jim, Stephen got some school in today.

Jim had rehearsal tonight so Mom and I took Stephine to Pizza Hut because they have their Pizza buffet on Wednesday's. He loves their salad and bread sticks. I love that Stephen loves salad. His favorite is Olive Garden but who doesn't love Olive Garden salad.

I heard a wonderful line today from a friend on Facebook tonight. I want to know who it was that decided to use Cupid as the symbol of Valentines Day. When I think of love and romance I do NOT think of a chubby baby in a diaper coming at me with a weapon. How true is that?!!!!

Like I said not much excitement today. Kind of a BORING day since I haven't felt well. Hopefully tomorrow will bring more excitement but I doubt it since it is suppose to be so cold that I will not be interested in doing anything.

Good night to all, stay warm if you can and may God bless your homes and lives.

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