Don't Take Them For Granted
Yesterday morning we learned that a friend's 14 year old son had passed away. While I know that he is in a better place, removed from the pain and hurt of childhood cancer, I can't help but wonder why things have to be this way.
Why do children, any age, have to die?
Why do storms have to destroy lives and property?
Why do people, even Christians, suffer?
Why do people (like my Mom, other friends, other family and even myself) have to live with chronic pain?
Why do babies (like my Cameron and the others I miscarried) never get to draw a breath?
Why do wars happen?
Why is there so much poverty?
Why are children abused by the very people who are supposed to love and protect them?
I could keep going with these questions, as I am sure could you, BUT...
I woke up to those questions, but as I was reading my Bible and doing my devotional I was reminded of something ...
I can question and wonder. I can get angry or upset and I think God understands when I feel this way, BUT—I am not God. God says to Job, 'Where were you when I created the earth and everything else' (paraphrasing)? What makes you think you can question me and how I run things. I know that it is a very loose translation but I think you know what I mean.
I do not know that I will ever know the answers to the questions until I get to Heaven and then I don't know that the questions will even matter. Will I care why my baby didn't draw a breath or will it be more important to hug and hold him instead? Will I care why people suffer or will it just be more important to see them and hug them and be happy we get to spend eternity together. Will it matter that the last few days of Dad's life were filled with pain and suffering or will it be more important to just see him again. Setting all of those aside will I really want to spend my time with Jesus questioning His creation or will it be more important to spend time at the feet of my Lord?
I know that there will be many sad days in my life but there will be happy ones too. It is times like this where I am sad that I remember that I am not promised tomorrow—I need to make sure that I cherish today.
I know that my friends would love to hold their son again, and someday they will be able to but for today, I know that I am blessed because I can hug Stephen. I can tell him I love him and for that I am truly grateful. I can see my husband and hold him and feel him hold me and for that I am grateful.

Thank you Lord, for another day with the ones I love. Please help me never forget the gift that they are.
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